Monday, February 15, 2010


Oh my goodness, I woke up this morning with a bit of a stinky attitude! It's cold and rainy outside, the beginning of another week (although, why should this being a Monday be a downer?), and horror of horrors! I get to work, start to get out of my car only to find a HUGE run in my tights!!!! Can it get any worse???

As Captain Picard would say, "Full stop, Numbah one!" When I get like this, that's what I need, to take a "full stop". When negative emotions are entertained, they like to stay a while and reproduce in my brain. And why wouldn't they when I'm feeding them a full buffet to feed on?! Let's face it, the quickest way to get rid of an unwanted guest is to NOT FEED THEM! Finding nothing to snack on, they will leave. And so will my stinkin' thinkin'!

So Crappy Attitude, there's nothing on the menu! Self Pity, I'm so sorry, but the kitchen is closed! Self Doubt, Self Criticism, and Self Loathing, you terrible triplets of destruction! The bar is closed and is not looking to reopen! It's amazing what some stern self talk will do!

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